The year just gone was a funny old year full of change. Some changes were enforced on me and some of my own making.
I attended a couple of Overland events with the announcement at the September event that would be the last for the foreseeable future. While tinged with disappointment, I think I’ve had my fill of tents for now.
I got away on a tour of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It wasn’t the full Wild Atlantic Way as we cut across from Dublin and went north. It leaves unfinished business should I return and head south in the future. On the subject of unfinished business, I hope transportation options to Europe will continue to open up.
Personally, I have managed to prune some distracting and unthankful distractions in several areas. It’s quite liberating and I feel quite refreshed and ready to do some trip planning. I first have a little matter of a reunion trip to the US. I’ll meet a few of the 2019 Alps tour participants in Tampa.
Watch this space.